


Linux x86_64 and aarch64

  1. Verify that the Requirements above are fulfilled

  2. To make ade available globally, install it somewhere in your PATH: * echo $PATH will print a list of possible paths * Commonly used paths are ~/.local/bin and /usr/local/bin

  3. Download the statically-linked binary from the Releases page of the ade-cli project: e.g. for x86_64

$ cd /path/from/step/above
$ wget
$ mv ade+x86_64 ade
$ chmod +x ade
$ ./ade --version
$ ./ade update-cli
$ ./ade --version

For information on how to install ADE (ade-cli, ADE base image, and ADE volumes) on an offline machine, see Offline Installation.


To update ade-cli, run ade update-cli. If a newer version is available, ade will prompt for confirmation, download the new version, and replace itself.

OSX (Experimental)

  1. Verify that the Requirements above are fulfilled

  2. Clone the repository and run the osx-install script:

$ git clone
$ cd ade-cli
$ ./osx-install
$ which ade
$ ade --version


To update on OSX, go to the git clone, and run:

$ git fetch
$ git checkout <desired version>

Running X11 Apps on OSX


Running GUI apps on OSX is an experimental feature and requires some additional programs.

  1. Install Homebrew

  2. Use Homebrew to install socat:

    $ brew install socat
  3. Install XQuartz v2.7.11:

    $ brew cask install xquartz
  4. Restart your computer

  5. Open XQuartz -> Preferences -> Security and check ‘Allow connections from network clients’


    The security implication of allowing connections from network clients has not been fully analyzed. Enable at your own risk.

  6. Test UI apps: e.g. in an Ubuntu-based ADE image:

    $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y x11-apps
    $ xeyes


To enable autocompletion, add the following to your .zshrc or .bashrc:

if [ -n "$ZSH_VERSION" ]; then
    eval "$(_ADE_COMPLETE=source_zsh ade)"
    eval "$(_ADE_COMPLETE=source ade)"

See Usage for next steps.