.. _install: Installation ------------ Requirements ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Docker 19.03 or newer, follow the `instructions for your OS`_ * If the host machine has an NVIDIA graphics card, install ``nvidia-container-toolkit`` * See the `NVIDIA Docker's Repository`_ for more details Installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Linux x86_64 and aarch64 ======================== #. Verify that the Requirements above are fulfilled #. To make ``ade`` available globally, install it somewhere in your ``PATH``: * ``echo $PATH`` will print a list of possible paths * Commonly used paths are ``~/.local/bin`` and ``/usr/local/bin`` #. Download the statically-linked binary from the `Releases`_ page of the ``ade-cli`` project: e.g. for ``x86_64`` .. code:: bash $ cd /path/from/step/above $ wget https://gitlab.com/ApexAI/ade-cli/-/jobs/1341322851/artifacts/raw/dist/ade+x86_64 $ mv ade+x86_64 ade $ chmod +x ade $ ./ade --version 4.4.0 $ ./ade update-cli $ ./ade --version For information on how to install ADE (``ade-cli``, ADE base image, and ADE volumes) on an offline machine, see :ref:`offline-install`. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 4 :hidden: offline-install Update ~~~~~~ To update ``ade-cli``, run ``ade update-cli``. If a newer version is available, ``ade`` will prompt for confirmation, download the new version, and replace itself. OSX (Experimental) ================== #. Verify that the Requirements above are fulfilled #. Clone the repository and run the ``osx-install`` script: .. code:: bash $ git clone https://gitlab.com/ApexAI/ade-cli $ cd ade-cli $ ./osx-install $ which ade ~/.local/bin/ade $ ade --version Update ~~~~~~ To update on OSX, go to the ``git`` clone, and run: .. code:: bash $ git fetch $ git checkout Running X11 Apps on OSX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. note:: Running GUI apps on OSX is an experimental feature and requires some additional programs. #. Install `Homebrew`_ #. Use Homebrew to install ``socat``: .. code:: bash $ brew install socat #. Install XQuartz v2.7.11: .. code:: bash $ brew cask install xquartz #. Restart your computer #. Open XQuartz -> Preferences -> Security and check 'Allow connections from network clients' .. warning:: The security implication of allowing connections from network clients has not been fully analyzed. Enable at your own risk. #. Test UI apps: e.g. in an Ubuntu-based ADE image: .. code:: bash $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y x11-apps $ xeyes Autocompletion ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To enable autocompletion, add the following to your ``.zshrc`` or ``.bashrc``: .. literalinclude:: ../completion.sh :language: shell :lines: 3- See :ref:`usage` for next steps. .. _NVIDIA Docker's Repository: https://github.com/NVIDIA/nvidia-docker .. _Releases: https://gitlab.com/ApexAI/ade-cli/-/releases .. _instructions for your OS: https://docs.docker.com/install/#server .. _Homebrew: https://brew.sh/