.. _create-custom-volume: Creating a custom volume ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Writing the Dockerfile """""""""""""""""""""" ADE volumes are a way to minimize the size of the base image by loading different resources from a different Docker image. ADE volumes can be used to provide third-party libraries, IDEs, and proprietary programs. Let's look at how a volume for `Atom`_ can be created [#f1]_: 1. A generic Docker file: .. literalinclude:: ade-atom/Dockerfile :language: docker * Note the ``CMD``, which is meant to keep the container running even if no one is attached 2. A script to create ``/opt/atom``: .. literalinclude:: ade-atom/build-opt :language: bash * Usage: ``./build-opt 1.35.0`` * This is where the bulk of the work happens: * Using the version number provided, the script downloads Atom and installs it into a directory that will become ``/opt/atom`` in the Dockerfile: .. literalinclude:: ade-atom/Dockerfile :language: docker :lines: 2 3. A script to set up the environment on ``ade enter``: .. literalinclude:: ade-atom/env.sh :language: bash * At a minimum, ``env.sh`` needs to add the executable to ``PATH`` * In this case it sets the location where Atom will store it's configuration such that they will persiste between restarts of ADE * Note that ``build-opt`` takes care of copying this file into ``/opt/atom`` and naming it ``.env.sh``: .. literalinclude:: ade-atom/build-opt :language: bash :lines: 23 4. A script of commands that should be run during ``ade start``: .. literalinclude:: ade-atom/adeinit :language: bash * Note that ``build-opt`` takes care of copying this file into ``/opt/atom`` and naming it ``.adeinit``: .. literalinclude:: ade-atom/build-opt :language: bash :lines: 24 Placing these four files in a `Gitlab project`_ and adding a `CI script`_ to automate the ``docker build`` command, makes it simple to generate new images on demand by creating a ``git`` tag for the desired version For a more complex example, where the software is developed in the same repository, see the `AutowareAuto project`_. AutowareAuto generates ADE volumes which can be used to deploy a pre-built AutowareAuto build in another machine. .. [#f1] The code for this example is kept in this `Gitlab project`_ Building the volume locally """"""""""""""""""""""""""" **Note:** It is recommended to build the image as part of a `CI script`_; nevertheless, the following instructions can be used to test the build steps locally. Make sure to run any setup scripts (e.g. see ``build-opt`` above) before building the image. Build the image by running ``docker build`` in the directory that contains the ``Dockerfile`` and other necessary resources (e.g. the ``_opt`` directory generated by ``build-opt`` in the example above):: docker build -t : . Add ``--label ade_image_commit_sha=`` and/or ``--label ade_image_commit_tag=`` to embed VCS information in the Docker image:: docker build \ --label ade_image_commit_sha= \ --label ade_image_commit_tag= \ -t : . For more information, see the `docker build`_ documentation Using the volume """""""""""""""" To use the image, add it to the ``.aderc`` file **after** the base image entry in ``ADE_IMAGES``. The order of the *volumes* does not matter as long as the base image is first:: export ADE_IMAGES=" : : " For more information, see :ref:`aderc-file` .. _Atom: https://atom.io .. _Gitlab project: https://gitlab.com/ApexAI/ade-atom .. _CI script: https://gitlab.com/ApexAI/ade-atom/blob/master/.gitlab-ci.yml .. _AutowareAuto project: https://gitlab.com/AutowareAuto/AutowareAuto .. _docker build: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/build/