.. _install: Installation ------------ Requirements ^^^^^^^^^^^^ A Linux distribution with the following programs installed: * Docker 18.06 or newer, follow the `instructions for your Linux distribution`_ * ``python3-pip`` If the host machine has an NVIDIA graphics card, also install: * ``nvidia-docker`` * ``nvidia-modprobe`` Installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ADE is published on PyPI. It needs Python >= 3.5.2 and pip. All other dependencies will be fetched by pip. :: sudo apt-get install python3-pip pip3 install ade-cli .. note:: If you get pip installation/compilation errors, please make sure you have a recent version of pip for python3 and the following ubuntu packages installed: build-essential, libffi-dev, python3-dev. Autocompletion ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To enable autocompletion, add the following to ``~/.bashrc``:: eval "$(_ADE_COMPLETE=source ade)" For zsh users add this to your .zshrc:: eval "$(_ADE_COMPLETE=source-zsh ade)" See :ref:`usage` for next steps. .. _instructions for your Linux distribution: https://docs.docker.com/install/#server